Products are created in the factory but brands are created in the mind.”
- Walter Landor
Branding is not just for big businesses. Your brand is what people say about you when you're not around. If you think of branding as your reputation, it becomes more important to you. Your brand is a reflection of you, so you should take care of it.
A brand is more than just a logo, website, or business card. It is an experience that a company creates for its customers. The goal of a brand is to be known, liked, and trusted by its customers. This is why you are more likely to buy a drink from Coca-Cola or Pepsi than from a random company you have never heard of. These companies have created strong brands that customers trust.
Do's ✅ and Don'ts ❌
Beware the Share
Hey millennials, this advice is crucial for you.
The generation we live in gives us the opportunity to use social media as a platform for anything we want. This can be both ( + ) and ( - ) depending on how you use it.
It is great if you use your media as a platform for networking and branding. ✅ However, if you use social media as a way to show off how "fun" you are, that is not a good thing. ❌ .
In today's technologically advanced world, anything is accessible to everyone, and anything posted on the internet is permanently archived, even if it is deleted.
Do you want a city job ? Because they check that Do you want to have a child that grows to know their moms a H** ?
Because they check that
Do you still not believe me? Here are some statistics to support my claim:
76% of hiring managers in the IT industry use social networks to screen candidates.
65% of hiring managers in the sales industry use social networks to screen candidates.
61% of hiring managers in the financial services industry use social networks to screen candidates.
59% of hiring managers in the healthcare industry use social networks to screen candidates.
59% of hiring managers in the retail industry use social networks to screen candidates.
56% of hiring managers in the manufacturing industry use social networks to screen candidates.
55% of hiring managers in the professional and business services industry use social networks to screen candidates.
As you can see, a large majority of hiring managers use social networks to screen candidates. This means that it is important to make sure that your online presence is professional and reflects your skills and experience.
It is never too late to start fresh. I would recommend taking a break from social media and using the time to cleanse and remove negative items from your accounts.
Using colors and symbols can increase brand recognition by up to 80%. Choosing a color or symbol and sticking with it can help people identify your brand even when your name is not attached. For example, when you see the colors red and green, you think of Gucci. When you see three stripes, you think of Adidas. When you see purple hair, you think of Justine Skye. When you see red, black, and tan lines, you think of Burberry. And when you see pink, black, and white, you think of Felicitea Digital LAB.
Psychology of Color

AuthenticiTEA | Demographics
Whether you run a business, are an artist, or simply promote yourself, people will expect consistency. This is simply a matter of being authentic, being true to yourself, and not selling out.
Consistency is key. Stop changing your username, font, logo, and bio every week. It takes time to build a brand, and it's a slow process. The more often you change things, the slower it will be.Be patient and stay true to yourself. People will appreciate you for it in the long run.
63% of consumers have been disappointed by brand content, and 23% of them have said they would never read that brand's content again. In other words, you have one chance to show your company's professionalism, so don't blow it.
To avoid disappointing your customers, you should make sure that your brand content is high quality and relevant to your target audience. You should also be careful not to make any false claims or promises in your content. If you do disappoint your customers, you should apologize and take steps to make things right.
Hair company: People will expect you to provide the same quality hair and customer service every time they make a purchase.
Personal brand: Be consistent in your character and the content you post. For example, if you portray yourself as a religious person who always posts prayers and dresses conservatively, don't suddenly start posting photos of yourself dressed provocatively. This is because you will alienate your original audience.
Artist/musician: People will expect you to continue producing the same style of music that you started with. However, it is okay to grow and evolve as an artist. Just don't make a sudden change in style that is completely different from what you've done before. This will make people think that you are trying to appeal to a different audience or that you are selling out.
Some Of My favorite Branding Apps
Pic Collage #remove the watermark for 2.99$

Just as advanced as IMOVIE right on your phone

Remove & Add background || Play with colors || Gives Transparency

My Watermark
Create your own watermark || change colors || Create Silhouettes

Stay tuned for more tips coming soon ...
Cant give away all my secrets ☕️💗